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Get involvedThis site is open for everyone who wants to publish information about engineering and technologies. You can send us news, articles, pictures and other materials. We will publish them on our web-site and it’s absolutely free!

Get involved!

This site is open for everyone who wants to publish information about engineering and technologies. You can send us news, articles, pictures and other materials. We will publish them on our web-site and it’s absolutely free!
It could be either popular essay about new gadget or your personal engineering story from your background or video explaining certain engineering process.

It is a unique opportunity to share your or someone else’s ideas and achievements or even advertise your company. It is an absolutely free advertisement! This site is like a free tribune for all engineers to reveal and discuss hot issues. 
Our only requirement is to provide Kazak version of your material.

Got an idea? Contact us! Send a letter to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.