Today is Powerman Day in Kazakhstan

powerman_dayOn 22nd  December all Kazak people who works in power industry celebrate their professional holiday – Powerman’s Day. The history of this holiday starts from 1966 when soviet government appointed this day as a professional holiday for people working in power industry. By the way, this day is one of the shortest days during the year.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of people in energy companies, whose tireless work is to create one of the most essential things – heating and lighting, which provides comfort in homes, schools, hospitals, offices.

Powerman’s Day is a celebration of all those who have ever been involved in the creation and maintenance of power systems.

We congratulate all of powermen on their professional holiday and wish them good health, faith and optimism, every happiness and prosperity, new achievements and accomplishments and success in all life endeavors.

With best regards,
Kazakh Engineering Society